IMMERSE aims to foster cultural integration of foreign students in participating universities by
developing and implementing an innovative language learning methodology using 3D objects and focusing on
the cultural aspects of the students' home countries.
The project's specific objectives are
- Establishing a university network: This network will facilitate the implementation and
dissemination of the teaching methodology. A group of teachers within these institutions
will be trained to become trainers themselves, acting as dissemination agents for the project's
outputs and methodology (known as IMMERSE).
- Developing learning materials: A repository of reusable learning materials will be created,
including learning objects, tutorials, and didactic units. These materials, based on the project's methodology,
will be designed for both teachers and students. They will be freely and openly accessible for use in higher education
and secondary education, in both face-to-face and virtual learning environments.
- Creating a virtual reality (VR) platform and 3D authoring tool:A VR platform will be developed to host all project
materials. Additionally, a 3D authoring tool will be created to allow teachers to develop new training sessions
and integrate existing materials from the repository into their courses.
- Piloting the methodology: The methodology will be piloted in participating higher education institutions
in Iceland, Greece, and Spain. This pilot phase will focus on pedagogical evaluation and validation of the methodology.
- Disseminating results and products: The project's results, products, and methodology will be made available
to the network and the wider public through a free and open website.