Language learning for foreign students via 3D objects

IMMERSE is an Erasmus+ Project that aims to develop and implement a teaching innovation methodology for language learning, based in 3D objects and focused on the cultural aspects of different countries, to foster the cultural integration of foreign students.


WP1 - Project Management & Implementation

WP2 - Dissemination & Exploitation

  • Task 2.1 - Creation of the visual identity of the project and the dissemination tools: webpage of the project and dissemination materials.
  • Task 2.2 - Crossed dissemination and presentation of the project in third-party events.
  • Task 2.3 - Elaboration of the exploitation and sustainability plan.

WP3 - Language, cultural, & educational-oriented training materials collection for the population of the VR authoring tool

  • Task 3.1 - Creation of a language learning program for cultural aspects in Spain, Iceland and Greece.
  • Task 3.2 - Population of the database.
  • Task 3.3 - Using the VR authoring tool.
  • Task 3.4 - Creation of the final version of the training program.

WP4 - Co-creation of the VR platform

  • Task 4.1 - Outlining the key characteristics of the VR training platform and aligning it with the authoring tool.
  • Task 4.2 - Development and internal evaluation of the VR platform.
  • Task 4.3 - Conducting a workshop to "Train the trainers" in the city of Chania, Greece.

WP5 - Pilots with end users

  • Task 5.1 - Selection of participants on the pilots.
  • Task 5.2 - Pilot with foreign students.
  • Task 5.3 - Technical support during pilots.
  • Task 5.4 - Report on recommendations for HEI institutions willing to implement the program internally.